viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Encuestas finalizadas

Estos son los resultados de las últimas encuestas :) Lo que más os gusta de mis mundos es la Temática, seguida muy de cerca  por los paisajes y los detalles. Tomo nota y tendré en cuenta estos resultados para crear futuros mundos con gran valor paisajístico, llenos de detalles y una temática original :)

Por otro lado lo que menos gusta es que algunos estén deshabitados, que sean muy grandes y que usen CC (los dos últimos en menor medida). Entiendo porque habéis votado tanto la 3a opción, y hay mundos como Sa Pineda o Suvadiva R. que no están habitados porque esos mundos no son para jugar una partida "regular". Pero un mundo como Plav Raj tiene que estar habitado, así que en la versión actualizada lo estará :D

Gracias a todos por colaborar! 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Nilxis. I hope you are doing well. I agree that what is so wonderful about your worlds is the detail and the artistry you put into them. They are magnificent! I don't mind so much that they are large because I appreciate being able to add additional lots. Medium size is probably the best size though. Personally, I don't like them inhabited because I rarely like the Sims in those worlds and have to terminate them to replace them with my own. That's kind of sad, in a way. Just my opinion. Love, Sofi

    1. Hi Sofi, thanks for your comment :)
      I understand why you prefer them uninhabited and it seems very logical to me. If I really played the game I would probably end up doing the same. That's why I normally try upload the two versions so everyone is happy. Personally I don't care very much about the sims in a world but I like to see there are sims here and there so it doesn't feel like a lonely place :P About the size, I also prefer large worlds and sometimes the idea I have for a world can only fit in a large map, but my next world will be medium-sized so I hope people with lower-end computers will be able to play without problems :)
