lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Uranesia - Avance 12

Hola a todos :)
Puedo decir oficialmente que la ciudad está 95-97% terminada! Durante estos días he terminado la zona agrícola y el valle que baja hasta el puerto. Ya sólo queda construir tres o cuatro casitas de cazadores y apicultores arriba del todo de las terrazas-huertos. Después de esto empezaré a crear las partes más salvajes de Uranesia :)
Aquí tenéis las fotos y la información de los avances más recientes:

Vistas generales de la ciudad, que ha crecido considerablemente con el nuevo valle.

En esta zona cercana al palacio se encuentran las casas de la clase alta.

Bajando por el valle empieza otra zona agrícola

Esta zona se encuentra en medio del mercado y el puerto, por lo tanto, es una zona de paso entre los dos puntos comerciales de la ciudad. Debido al gran desnivel que hay entre el puerto y la ciudad, los Uranesianos desarrollaron un sistema de canales y esclusas para transportar mercancías y materiales en barca por el agua, y así hacerlo más fácil. (Se nota que en Uranesia agua no les falta jaja)

Detalle de los canales y las esclusas.

Casitas de campesinos

Al final del valle hay un pequeño lago con la esclusa final, la que conecta con el puerto, a nivel del mar, atravesando la roca. (En realidad no está conectado, hay que echarle un poco de imaginación xD)

Y éste es el puerto, dónde los barcos extranjeros atracan para comprar y vender productos. De este modo, la ciudad permanece cerrada a personas del mundo exterior, pero aún así son posibles los contactos y el comercio.

Eso es todo por ahora, espero poder publicar más avances pronto :)

19 comentarios:

  1. Excelente avance, no puedo creer que maravilla es poder ver esta ciudad. Los enormes avances y sobre todo que casi esta llegando a su final de construcion.

    Que bonita Ciudad
    ojala yo pueda crear algun dia una así WOW

  3. OH MY GOD!!! Is it real??
    I have waited so long in the last few years!!
    I am so happy to finally meet, SIM bless you :-)

  4. Muchas gracias por los comentarios!
    Thank you so much for the comments!

  5. amazing amazing amazing,so intricate and detailed project
    thank you for the hard work for sims

  6. I'm wondering how you made all the stairs...are they on lots? If this is an object...can you share it? Or perhaps your technique on creating this? I appreciate your talent so much and can't wait to see this final's BEAUTIFUL!!!

    1. Hi! Some of the stairs are on lots, and some others are painted with a CAW texture that resembles stairs (which you can find it in the "Material para el CAW" section of this blog), but in any case I have used an object. So it's either build-mode stairs or a stair texture. I hope it helps and thank you for your comment :)

  7. you're the best world creator for the sims EVER, hands down! this is so good it doesn't even look like the sims. i can't believe it's real and playable! are we really going to be able to play this world someday?
    thank you so much for sharing your work, nilxis!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice words! I really do hope one day I'm going to finish this project. I'm slow but quite consistent. Thanks for your patience :)

  8. Bravo! It just gets better and better! It's just so beautiful :)

  9. It's a really beautiful world and the pics make me want to wander around its paths and discover its secrets. I am not so sure about how it will function as a Sims 'hood, however; it seems rather sacrilegious even to go to the loo in such lofty surroundings and it certainly doesn't seem to be suitable for the Sims which we normally use. Have you given any thought to this problem? What kind of people should inhabit it? Even if it's meant to be a vacation world, like Africa, it should have some (hopefully mysterious) inhabitants.

    Anyway, as many people have already pointed out, it is a magnificent piece of work and I am looking forward to enjoying it. If you ever finish it, that is; I've also got the feeling that you are playing a bit of Penelope with this one.


    1. Hi Pico22, thanks for your comment!
      The world will be populated, and just like the landscapes and the buildings, the Sims will be semi-fantastic. This will not be a world for regular gameplay: many lot types are missing, there are no roads, no modern techno logy. Uranesia is a world made for exploring, and I will create some sort of a challenge for playing in it :)

      I'd like to finish it as soon as possible, but sadly I have little time for that.
